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Prabhupāda Hṛdayaṁ

In Prabhupādas We Trust Śrīla Prabhupāda, being a true representative of the Gauḍīya paramparā can never transgress the Gosvāmī Siddhānta. Apparent contradictions were employed for preaching purposes, HG Uttamshloka Das Prabhu, a Senior Vaishnava & Disciple of Srila Prabhupad recalls a particular event he hear from a devotee :—  “Bhagavata Maharaja also told me an anecdote he heard:  When Dr. OBL Kapoor asked Srila Prabhupada why he hinted at a fall for the jīvas when there was none, Srila Prabhupada said to Dr. OBL Kapoor that westerners were so impersonal by nature that he wanted to give us some context of being personal from the beginning of time so he hinted at some fall like Adam and Eve so we would have a more personal conception. [end]”. This is correct it's also said in the Bhāgavatam " parokṣa-vādo vedo ’yaṁ bālānām anuśāsanam  karma-mokṣāya karmāṇi vidhatte hy agadaṁ yathā " " Childish foolish people are attached to materialistic, fruitive activities. T

Intellectual disharmony among Nityamuktas ?



 Sri Sanatan Goswami in his Brihad-bhagavatamrta 2.4, starting from the 99th verse, gives a story of how even residents in Vaikuntha debate each other on these things. Krishna’s forms, nature, etc. There will always be a difference of opinions.


Pastimes of Lord have different visions as per the particular rasas of the Devotee, same do we see in the Bṛhadbhāgavatāmṛta “मैवं सम्बोधयेशेशां मा च सङ्कीर्तयेस् तथा ।उपश्लोकय माहात्म्यम् अनन्तं त्व् अद्भुताद्भुतम् ॥ ”, “The residents of Śrī Vaikuṇṭha said: Our master is the Supreme Lord of all lords. You should not address Him by saying, ‘O Kṛṣṇa, O Gopāla!’ Do not sing His glories in this manner. He has unlimited astonishing glories. Sing these in verses and measured stanzas.” “तेष्व् एव केचिद् अवदन् दुर्बोधाचरितस्य हि ।लीलाइका सापि तत् तस्या न दोषः कीर्तने मतः ॥ ”, “Some other residents of Vaikuṇṭha said, “The pastimes of the Supreme Lord are difficult to understand, including that of His tending cows. But it is indeed His pastime and therefore, there is no defect in performing its kīrtana.” These may seem contradictory but are in complete harmony As there is no contradiction in vedas the apparent contradiction appearing here is just an alternative course of meditation, the vedānta sūtra 3rd Adhyāya allows meditation on specific attributes of Bhagavān for ekāntis “न वा प्रकरणभेदात् परोवरीयस्त्वादिवत्” and also clubbing all the knowns for svaniṣṭhas “ उपसंहारोऽर्थाभेदाद् विधिशेषवत् समाने च”, it’s said in the nyāya sūtra “अभ्युपेत्य कालभेदे दोषवचनात्” “Contradiction would occur if there was alteration of time being agreed upon” it's said “उदितेऽनुदिते चैव समयाध्युषिते तथा । सर्वथा वर्तते यज्ञ इतीयं वैदिकी श्रुतिः ॥, At sunrise, or before sunrise, or at early dawn,—the sacrificial act may be performed at any time,—such is the pronouncement of the Veda.” There may be apparent contradictions in Practices of Sādhnā but they are not contradictions rather are alternative ways of procedural. By this we understand that there is no contradiction among the Nityamuktas just as there is no contradiction in the Vedas.

Śrīśo Jayatī Śrī Mādhavo Jayatī Asmad Gurubhyo Namaḥ sarvaṁ śrīkṛṣṇārpaṇamastu


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