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Prabhupāda Hṛdayaṁ

In Prabhupādas We Trust Śrīla Prabhupāda, being a true representative of the Gauḍīya paramparā can never transgress the Gosvāmī Siddhānta. Apparent contradictions were employed for preaching purposes, HG Uttamshloka Das Prabhu, a Senior Vaishnava & Disciple of Srila Prabhupad recalls a particular event he hear from a devotee :—  “Bhagavata Maharaja also told me an anecdote he heard:  When Dr. OBL Kapoor asked Srila Prabhupada why he hinted at a fall for the jīvas when there was none, Srila Prabhupada said to Dr. OBL Kapoor that westerners were so impersonal by nature that he wanted to give us some context of being personal from the beginning of time so he hinted at some fall like Adam and Eve so we would have a more personal conception. [end]”. This is correct it's also said in the Bhāgavatam " parokṣa-vādo vedo ’yaṁ bālānām anuśāsanam  karma-mokṣāya karmāṇi vidhatte hy agadaṁ yathā " " Childish foolish people are attached to materialistic, fruitive activities. T

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